I believe the only way to do this picture justice is by informing everyone that "RamMan" from the He-Man series has been spotted in Miami accosting young models in the downtown area. Overheard by numerous bystanders was his remark "Retirement is for pussies!"
Greetings to all countries reading this blog,or if you just ended up here a strong welcome to you too. Many days have passed since I actually sat down and took a deep breath. A welcome friday this is indeed. Another sick child this week too but that comes with the territory and the incessant march forward of everything antibiotic.
A man was asked what he thought would be the greatest accomplishment for all of mankind in the 21st century. His answer was plastics.My point? We as a race worship the most ridiculous things. Technology,Plastics,Fast Food and Automobiles are at the top of the list. For as many leaps forward in certain fields of technology we still are not addressing the true problems of the world. If just the smallest percentage of money that was funneled into telecommunications was diverted for a month straight at solving the plastic pollution problem in the oceans and our landfills we wouldn't even be having this hypothetical conversation. I visited the local landfill numerous times this week and yes it is a thousand times better than it was. Dumping your garbage has never been easier. Everything is sorted and placed in its piles accordingly and the service has been expanded to receive motor oil,car batteries,old propane tanks,phone books and disadvantaged computers. My fear is that although the trash is sorted thoroughly; what happens after 5 o'clock when the citizens leave and the workers just go and bury all that shit together in some remote location of the landfill in which we are not privy to. I promise this is going somewhere really...What can one person do? I would love to see what really happens when the lights go out. I sort my garbage and hope that my plastic is at least being regarded for recycling not just lumped in with the cardboard. It is amazing how much plastic we use daily. And to think in the 70's nuclear waste was the only thing bothering people...What a bunch of sissies.
An interesting video to watch and reflect on what can we do...

I checked this link out, it's legit. http://www.mediafire.com/?itqzlfm4hmz

Mr.Bobby Womack-Singer slash Soul GOD-Born 1944
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