Save what can be done today for the day after tomorrow. Plenty of hot musical enjoyment to be had on this rainy Monday. But first, just a quick update on my verbal skirmish with a small corporate entity on Friday. I placed an order with Dermagraphics Inc. for some tattooing supplies on February 23rd... Wait, let me start at the beginning. I surfed the Chez' Nets for an affordable but decent tattoo machine which is usually a hard thing to find with an all inclusive tattoo apprentice kit. A longtime friend and skilled tattoo artist had mentioned a company he ordered from called Dermagraphics and suggested I check them out. The prices were great and the quality of the machines were decent too. So I went ahead, picked out a kit and called the 800 number to get some totals on the extras I saw that I wanted to purchase also. Basically, I was going to Walmart to pick up a pre-paid credit card to put some cash on.(I hate credit cards but it is convenient) I should have foreseen the hassle I was getting into just from my experience with the administrative assistant(or secretary if you want to be a dick about it) I made three calls total and was treated as if I had interrupted her facebook updating each time. The only thing missing would have been her expelling a long breath of air through her pursed lips after everyone of my well articulated questions. She reminded me of the "PopCopy" training video on the now defunct "Chappelle Show"."You might be interrupted one day by these customer-type people. Your job is to frustrate in ever way possible. Why? Because Fuck-em, that's why!" When I returned home I phoned them with my hot little number and was given a 5 digit number which I believed was some sort of tracking number. I rarely do mail order or have any sort of dealings with Fed Ex and I definitely don't have anything that Brown can do for me since I rarely have money to order anything. I admit I was kind of a newbie so when she gave me the number I didn't think much of it and promptly hung up the phone and eagerly awaited my stuff. February 23rd was a Tuesday and before I hung up the toad on the other end informed me that I should have it by Friday or Monday at the latest. Part of me should have wondered then where the company was located in relation to my whereabouts but like I mentioned before I was clueless. Monday evening when I phoned the company to question my order status I was connected to the head of sales, apparently Flo was absent that evening(big whoop). He asked for my order number and I swear he almost laughed when I gave him the 5 digit number I was assigned. Turns out tracking numbers are like 20 digits long. The order was in town and was scheduled to be delivered the next morning Tuesday. One week later to the day. Later I researched the company on WhitePages.com and found out they were located 6 hours away in Myrtle Beach,SC. In all honesty I should have just drove there to pick up my shit...but that's not the best part. The next morning when I received my shipment half of it was missing. The shipping bill indicated that the majority was backordered . With no idea when my things were and what the status was I called the company,AGAIN. The head of sales answered again and informed me that the company that makes the needles was late on their shipment so I would receive my stuff this Thursday March 11th. I made the off hand remark that when the order was put together last Tuesday they should have called to inform me of the situation so I could arrange something else to tide me over in the mean time. He made no comment. That Friday@10AM EST Flo answered my call and I nicely asked if I could speak to the president of the company Mr.Joseph DiModico. She politely declined and informed me that the shipment would not be going to arrive at my home because they still didn't have the products. Needless to say I was fuming. So I sat down and wrote some hate mail and addressed it to the president and vice-president of the company. At 5:30PM that evening I received a phone call from Flo informing me that my order was shipping that moment and I should have it by Monday. She gave me a 20 digit tracking number,I confirmed that FedEX was shipping the order; I thanked her for her phonecall and hung up confident that all was right with the world and I had championed a just cause and not one of my typical windmills. Today is Monday and I checked the tracking number with FedEx.com and received the error message "tracking number is invalid". 15 tries later I called the 800 number on the website and was greeted with a similar answer from the extremely gracious operator. I can't write anymore I am so fucking over this.
Go listen to some Mexican Death Metal and sharpen your Machetes.
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