Tagline reads:"If that doesn't open your appetite I don't know what will."
I made a promise to my close friend ConanO'Brien to include him in today's blog AND link him to the band I'm reviewing AND find him to be the cause of the H1N1 virus. Because of the strong and genuinely deep bond that we share this will not be easy. First off, I've erased this part 26 times already.27. Usually and under less extenuating circumstances by Monday morning I am chock full of ideas and anecdotes. And drawing upon the experiences of the past weekend I can turn it into something humorous and clever all at the same time. So like I mentioned late February I was experimenting using the 13 writing techniques in which I was supposed to emerge a far better writer at the far end of the unemployment tunnel of love. Last weekend I purchased a windup kitchen timer with which my purpose was to attempt to instill good reading habits on a certain individual through the proper usage of time management. The writer's guidebook suggested using a timer to break up writers block. Basically how it works is that you set the timer when you DON'T want to write,let's say one hour right? OK, now sit and write until the bell goes off. Eventually you will write through the alarm because you are having so much freaking fun...So,that shit didn't even work. I set it twice and downloaded music. You really do have the liberty to let the mood strike you when no one is paying you but damn it's nice to take an hour late at night and just flow at your own accord. True freedom,true creative vibe ...that's nice. Too bad it doesn't put a roof over your head. Where is the half-way point between true happiness at work and finding that conduit to be able to release some creativity. I guess that's why I don't review stuff I don't like. Words are sharper than knives,harder than steel. You can't throw that shit out there. It comes back a lot harder than you think...Like a whole bag of cats with c-4 strapped to their tails. Or an irishman on a whiskey binge. Actually, tonight I saw a really,really drunk Irish Muslim now that I come to think about weird things to write about. I'll just keep on trying because I'm too damn stubborn to quit. Incidentally, big ups to Katheryn Bigelow, apparently she butt reamed a bunch of folks at the big sham of a film festival last night. I couldn't watch because I was extremely busy brushing my feet. Apparently you can get foot cavities nowadays. Also there is a resurgence of "The Dropsies" in some parts of the country. That's why I have a drawer full of hand sanitizer and a bag of lighters. Oh, and 19 pocket knives and two stiletto switchblades (both a gift)because you never know when you are going to need one.
"the H1N1 sessions"
The songs of The Middle East, I thought this was indie rock. Cheers to Queensland, Australia for this gem. The only expression I can use to describe this album would be "Radiohead on downers"...indeed...I picked it up on a whim thinking I would like it because of some negative comments made by some asinine music critic. As of late I have been scanning the chez Nets for new music and have resolved to only listen to the stuff music critics hate or write badly about. Yes, it blew up in my face quite quickly but I did find a couple diamonds in the rough.From the get go I was enthralled by the dreamlike production quality of the album. I'm not an uber-sound geek but I have performed a couple of small miracles myself on a couple of occasions. Like that earthquake in Chile...By track 3 I was lost in a sea of pregnant sounding, echoing guitars and lush undertones filling out the bottom end. As forthe high end, Jordans vocals caress your inner ear while smoothing out your coiffure. Guaranteed to fill the empty spaces in your patchwork life.
I played hooky from writing and saw something posted by TIME magazine (who the hell reads that magazine anyway) and I had to hold back the stream of bile which slowly snaked its way up my esophagus and crept slowly into my mouth-hole. According to them the ten greatest super groups (no category, no nothing, thats it,their take on the whole music scene)
I made a promise to my close friend ConanO'Brien to include him in today's blog AND link him to the band I'm reviewing AND find him to be the cause of the H1N1 virus. Because of the strong and genuinely deep bond that we share this will not be easy. First off, I've erased this part 26 times already.27. Usually and under less extenuating circumstances by Monday morning I am chock full of ideas and anecdotes. And drawing upon the experiences of the past weekend I can turn it into something humorous and clever all at the same time. So like I mentioned late February I was experimenting using the 13 writing techniques in which I was supposed to emerge a far better writer at the far end of the unemployment tunnel of love. Last weekend I purchased a windup kitchen timer with which my purpose was to attempt to instill good reading habits on a certain individual through the proper usage of time management. The writer's guidebook suggested using a timer to break up writers block. Basically how it works is that you set the timer when you DON'T want to write,let's say one hour right? OK, now sit and write until the bell goes off. Eventually you will write through the alarm because you are having so much freaking fun...So,that shit didn't even work. I set it twice and downloaded music. You really do have the liberty to let the mood strike you when no one is paying you but damn it's nice to take an hour late at night and just flow at your own accord. True freedom,true creative vibe ...that's nice. Too bad it doesn't put a roof over your head. Where is the half-way point between true happiness at work and finding that conduit to be able to release some creativity. I guess that's why I don't review stuff I don't like. Words are sharper than knives,harder than steel. You can't throw that shit out there. It comes back a lot harder than you think...Like a whole bag of cats with c-4 strapped to their tails. Or an irishman on a whiskey binge. Actually, tonight I saw a really,really drunk Irish Muslim now that I come to think about weird things to write about. I'll just keep on trying because I'm too damn stubborn to quit. Incidentally, big ups to Katheryn Bigelow, apparently she butt reamed a bunch of folks at the big sham of a film festival last night. I couldn't watch because I was extremely busy brushing my feet. Apparently you can get foot cavities nowadays. Also there is a resurgence of "The Dropsies" in some parts of the country. That's why I have a drawer full of hand sanitizer and a bag of lighters. Oh, and 19 pocket knives and two stiletto switchblades (both a gift)because you never know when you are going to need one.

I played hooky from writing and saw something posted by TIME magazine (who the hell reads that magazine anyway) and I had to hold back the stream of bile which slowly snaked its way up my esophagus and crept slowly into my mouth-hole. According to them the ten greatest super groups (no category, no nothing, thats it,their take on the whole music scene)
really, ASIA?!!

Tom Scholz-Guitarist,Keyboardist-US Band Boston-Born 1947
Uwe Faren Krog-Petersen-Keyboard slash singer songwriter-German Band Nena-Born 1960
Rick Rubin-US Record Producing Prodigal Son-Born 1963
Jeff Ament-Bassist-US Band Pearl Jam/Mother Love Bone-Born 1963
Nenah Cherry-Swedish Singer slash Pop Icon-Born 1964
Timbaland aka Timothy Z. Mosley-US Rap Artist-Born 1971
come back tomorrow...

Tom Scholz-Guitarist,Keyboardist-US Band Boston-Born 1947
Uwe Faren Krog-Petersen-Keyboard slash singer songwriter-German Band Nena-Born 1960
Rick Rubin-US Record Producing Prodigal Son-Born 1963
Jeff Ament-Bassist-US Band Pearl Jam/Mother Love Bone-Born 1963
Nenah Cherry-Swedish Singer slash Pop Icon-Born 1964
Timbaland aka Timothy Z. Mosley-US Rap Artist-Born 1971
come back tomorrow...
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