Vladimir Lenin wrote:
Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps. Now you sit down in your chair, relax , take it easy, don't flip out I was just quoting someone famous..I am not a full on Communist, I just feel 100 percent of what he says is truth. Let's face it, Capitalism hasn't worked for us (poor folk) in decades. If that were so then why is a third of the population incarcerated? I don't want to pull the race card so I will just say the "It's Us Against Them" vibe is clearly more active this time of year. Crime sprees are up, suicides, bomb threats, physical altercations abound, liquor store hold-ups, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA.!! Tis' the season, indeed. We are a nation of complainers and spoiled rotten bastards. Lucky we are to have what we possess in this country. If not then why do thousand upon thousands of immigrants risk their life and limb to shovel chicken shit for a living. The industrialized nations of the earth draw countless souls into their dark underbellies, grind their bones and spit them out. I was very fortunate this season but I could not help think of all my friends and family in other parts of the world and the crap they had to swallow this year...a couple friends of mine are having some really hard times in South America right now and I feel hopeless. Ah. there is comfort in knowing that at least there is still compassion and hope left in this world. Heard about a lot of good deeds going on. Good shit, man. Makes me wanna keep on fighting the hellish crusades of Yuppie scum.
Speaking of yuppie scum. If I were so mentioned I would not desire to be sent to the Suzukan School for Boys. Based on a manga strictly devised for angry Tokyo teens,CrowsZero is a phenomenon straight out of Tokyo for the frustrated Yanki member in all of us. Or is that just me. Straight up I wanted to kick a mutherfucker in the teeth after watching this movie. Now I will always be a rabid loyal fan of The Warriors (the original cut,not that new cut with the animated cells in between it totally sucks major ass)but as far as gang movies this shines a light in its own path.Speaking of gang movies.....
Absolutely in no order I will present the (in my opinion,which is probably shite)All-Knowing-Shit Ass list of gang movies to watch when you're old and drunk...First off ," The Warriors a futuristic view of the aftermath of the hippie invasion of the sixties. Unlike most states the City of New York was in no mood to put up with that bullshit in the 70's. That's why they couldn't pass into Brooklyn after 1971 they's was tired of that shit.Good fights and awful acting toughness. Also I am upset that a gang member named Rembrandt couldn't fucking tag...
Aww, I had to mention The Outsiders, didn't I???But only because I was a REAL LIFE greaser not because of the hair product but because I am a greasy hispanic who could speak better English than most of the american rednecked folks I dealt with on a daily basis. Damn it if you could not relate to the inner turmoils of being white trash and bested by the towns rich folk. I could have wrote it in the 70's but I couldn't read or write yet.Some white girl beat me to it.
Yeah I blame the 70's on this honorable mention, like I said I went to Drive-In theaters alot.I grew up partially in New York and I was fascinated by the fact that years later I always felt like I was some sort of polyglot because I could understand Brooklynese.Don't expect any mind altering words of wisdom from this flick just bask in the innocence of a long gone era where "making it" was more sacred than getting an over-the-shirt titty feel.
What are you kidding me? I still yell "VATOS LOCOS FOREVER"whenever I can. Yes, the neighbors hate it but what can I do.Finally a white guy makes one of the best Hispanic gang movies ever.Oh yeah there was this one too.....
I really can't stomach the knife in the ass scene so this one can go under "Hardcore for no reason" only because at least "BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT" has a underlying message. And no, "Colors" will not get any merit..sorry not doing it.
Yeah he married Madonna but so what; he still had the great idea of filming all the twats in England that could fuck him up proper, yeah? Genius.
My idea of gangs because growing up this all I knew. You didn't bang for anything but the things you didn't have and other people were waving in your face and making you feel like shit for wanting it. A Hispanic caste system you say? Yeah maybe. The definitive modern gang movie. No frills here just straight up reality.Bitch.
Jared Leto-lead singer of the US band 30 Seconds To Mars-born 1971
Jay Noel Yeunger-bassist for the US band White Zombie-born 1967
Henning Schmitz-programmer for the German band Kraftwerk-born 1953
Phil Spector-producer,songwriter,creator of "The Wall Of Sound"-born 1940
now fuck off before I jump you in..
Capitalists are no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is capable of lifting himself up by his own bootstraps. Now you sit down in your chair, relax , take it easy, don't flip out I was just quoting someone famous..I am not a full on Communist, I just feel 100 percent of what he says is truth. Let's face it, Capitalism hasn't worked for us (poor folk) in decades. If that were so then why is a third of the population incarcerated? I don't want to pull the race card so I will just say the "It's Us Against Them" vibe is clearly more active this time of year. Crime sprees are up, suicides, bomb threats, physical altercations abound, liquor store hold-ups, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA.!! Tis' the season, indeed. We are a nation of complainers and spoiled rotten bastards. Lucky we are to have what we possess in this country. If not then why do thousand upon thousands of immigrants risk their life and limb to shovel chicken shit for a living. The industrialized nations of the earth draw countless souls into their dark underbellies, grind their bones and spit them out. I was very fortunate this season but I could not help think of all my friends and family in other parts of the world and the crap they had to swallow this year...a couple friends of mine are having some really hard times in South America right now and I feel hopeless. Ah. there is comfort in knowing that at least there is still compassion and hope left in this world. Heard about a lot of good deeds going on. Good shit, man. Makes me wanna keep on fighting the hellish crusades of Yuppie scum.

Jay Noel Yeunger-bassist for the US band White Zombie-born 1967
Henning Schmitz-programmer for the German band Kraftwerk-born 1953
Phil Spector-producer,songwriter,creator of "The Wall Of Sound"-born 1940
now fuck off before I jump you in..
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