All Woody Allen jokes aside I have to admit this is one of those few times when I can't compete with the picture by adding some lame caption...I will just go on my way and let it sink in somehow.
I have been racking my brain trying to devise some "sitting at home but making money" scheme for the past few weeks but in order to make money you need money because that money in turn makes more money. Redundancy at its finest. I thought of selling plasma to get that "seed cash" but being covered in tattoos makes the people at the blood bank cringe. Maybe donating seed would be more fruitful you say? Yeah this town could definitely use a boost in its collective IQ. I may not be Mensa material but I will give a Jeopardy champ a run for his/her money. I am really trying hard to put a more satisfying spin on this blog to generate cash flow but according to my counter there really is no traffic around here. I could compare this blog to an off ramp gas stations public restroom but only more like the bathroom in "Trainspotting". The cash flow has been trickling in but not really anything to type about. Winter is hard for anyone around these parts but slap a shitty job on the fire alongside a collective group of employers that think $7.25 an hour is merit to berate you, well that's just grounds for alcoholism and falling asleep with a lit cigarette.
I love this country; don't get me wrong and twisted up in the mix,home skillet. I blame my DNA for dissenting so much. My family tree is a mix of angry people from South America and angry people from Europe. It's like ammonia and bleach. Tune in for more trash.
the dissenter mix

The sheer talent and magnitude of Yoko Kanno could fill 26 blogs stuffed to the point of bursting. Her 3rd album in the Cowboy Beebop series is short but sweet and delivers on all gears (Jazz,Rock,Techno,etc.). Her musical genius is unrivaled in her hometown of Miyagi,Japan. I am certainly glad she chose music over being a writer only because I would have somewhat of a mental breakdown trying to compete with her.
Kid Koala has never disappointed anyone because he literally came onto the playground and kicked all of your toys out of the sandbox and buried them after he pushed you over the see-saw. This album is that,in a nutshell. That's why I always say never ever assume anything from a non descript cover. If you think DJ Shadow is the shit, grab another turd holmes, this one's nuttier.

If I catch anyone saying something bad about this man I will whip their monkey ass.
A genius who walked the earth for far too little time.Any album you listen to will prove this to you. Choice picks would be Blue Train,Impulse presents and John Coltrane plays the Blues..He played on over 100 albums in just 20 years. All the Jazz greats are attached to him whether you know it or not. Remarkable body of work we should all strive to be so great.
Speaking about dissenting, this cat was homeless in the Bronx NYC, rapping about whatever and finally had the chance to make his voice heard,LOUDLY with an album called Criminal Minded. His friend and longtime collaborator Scott-La Rock was killed shortly after at a party which then strengthened KRS-ONE's resolve to beat the streets that might also kill him. His power and pain shines through on this album which the cover was an homage to the brother Malcolm X's famous portrait. I remember the first time I heard the cut "My Philosophy"... words escape me. No literally I have to go and get my dictionary...
now fuck off...

If I catch anyone saying something bad about this man I will whip their monkey ass.
A genius who walked the earth for far too little time.Any album you listen to will prove this to you. Choice picks would be Blue Train,Impulse presents and John Coltrane plays the Blues..He played on over 100 albums in just 20 years. All the Jazz greats are attached to him whether you know it or not. Remarkable body of work we should all strive to be so great.

now fuck off...
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