I had tried my fathers number since Wednesday night to try and wish him a Pre-Happy Thanksgving Day salutation and all that chet. Two phone calls and three e-mails later he calls me on the Sharon tonight to announce his trip to the eastern part of the U.S. A welcome trip since his recent brush with Diabetes, he brushed by Diabetes and Diabetes had to call in sick for the next couple of weeks. But seriously he did whip his ass into shape after being diagnosed. He also survived a near fatal 1200 sugar count bout in which he almost croaked according to the doctors. Tough as a coffin nail my old man, he definitely is a fighter. That's why when he called me tonight he seemed weird and out of sorts and his voice was kind of small on the other line like he had wrecked his truck or something. He said "I'm sorry I haven't called you but my brother called on Thanksgiving also to tell me that my dad died." I coughed a little and he said "But he was 97 so his life was full." I heard that but his voice lied a little. My grandmother had died 2 years ago and he had flown back to the motherland for that funeral so it was weird for him to hear it second hand from his brother I guess. My memories of my grandfather were real few because I had not grown up with him. The divorce really fucked things up so I was not privy to the delights of hanging with him but my fathers stories were more than enough to keep his spirit etched readily in my mind.(my favorite story is of my grandfather in EPCOT,everything there was made like shit and could be made better in Ecuador he repeatedly told my father about a million times) He presented himself to me as "The Colonel" and I was more than happy to oblige the old man because I had heard the stories of him from my uncles. He was a genuine HARD ASS, to say the least and his reputation for a disciplinarian was unchallenged. He ruled with an iron fist and many fell under his blows. I wasn't very close to him but he seemed to like me mainly because I always snapped to attention and saluted him even when I was a teenager. He got a kick out of that I suppose. So when my father is feeling bad it seems like I should be strong for us and kinda bring something out that makes my grandfathers life seem more real. So I offer these few memories to share. And some music.Buenas Noches Coronel
the colonels album
An excellent soundscape to quell the 2012 tsunami sized wave of utter helplessness of facing ones own mortality or not. Enjoy at a high decibel level. And don't worry, this too shall pass.
now go poo in the potty
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