I think the caption should read,"Man they sell some weird shits at the Dollar Store in Japan!!" Blog picture shopping has convinced me that the internet is completely fucking useless.
But on a lighter note, I skinned my knees on a trip down memory lane this past week. A recent visit from my father bore unexpected fruits when he dropped a ton of really cool ideas for songs on me. We talked about his teenage days living in Ecuador and growing up in the time of Elvis and the birth of Latino Rock. Really good stuff was downloaded this weekend. Many pearls which I have not listened to in about 20 years. The building blocks of my formative years were stripped bare. All the sounds I heard in my childhood were laid out bare. It was a good visit.
Another reason I am so excited is because my band Espanish Leyser has kind of hit a cooling down period and I really don't want to see it fade out (I hate throwing things out sometimes) And to further heat things up I met a potential drummer who can play the slow stuff but wants to be in a rock band, hey, I know one.
....From the CarWash Files....
Saturday was just plain awful. Not because of the impending storm bearing down on my fair town but because that was the day I had to grace "The Wash" with my presence. Over the past 3 weeks I had escaped my sentence due to inclement weather so my psyche had scarred over enough to withstand the verbal assaults of my captors.(what a drama queen) It is quite liberating to be able to walk in, do my job and leave. I had fallen out the laser keen eye of my bosses (7 at last count) and slipped through the day without any incident. However before leaving for the day I was approached by a newer manager and was reprimanded on my job performance for the day. Maybe a month ago it would have bothered me but I had to laugh, in fact I laughed in her face and continued my job at hand. This was a trainee that worked under me so it was a real treat to be able to just walk away from it all. 20 minutes later I punched out and I was on my way.I'm curious to see what happens on my next shift. What-ev.
The I Don't Give a Crap Sessions
This latest slew of musical obsession has me crazy with ideas. Teetering between a total rock meltdown and a crack fueled hip hop attack of the ear I give you the latest rotation of insanity burning thru the Zune...

Anything Bad Brains is good for your mind,your brain and your head too.
The Romeo and Juliet of the soul industry? Yeah add cocaine,gasoline and a right cross that puts Frazier to shame..Light, throw and run away. Good fucking music though.
If you don't like Weezer you can kiss my brown ass.
I follow anything Mark Laneagan does but I have to thank my son Estorio for loading this in the Zune, to sum it up briefly, incredibly haunting and beautiful.
This group was like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon not because of his broad filmography but because I don't have enough time to describe the catalogue of music which led me to this point in time but nonetheless truly captivating.
The expansiveness of this list can only be bookended by this album. I think of it as the heels of the bread, nice and crusty but filling at the same time. Japanese screaming punkrock for a film about fighting, yeah no love story here. Perfect for planning a bank robbery.The tagline reads "Birds of a feather, Fight together"
now eff off as hell....

now eff off as hell....
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