Uhh, yeah enough life problem shits..Booring to say the least. Thank god I can get online and watch an illegally taped movie uploaded to the Chez Nets.Watched the Tales of the Black Freighter and Jennifers Body. Both extremely entertaining but not incredibly uplifting maybe can be better described as "EYECANDY".The animation team that tackled the adaptation of the Tales/Watchmen crossover kicked major ass in many different ways.If you followed the Watchmen novel you will recall the complexities of adapting a story like that. Jennifers Body would have been better if everyone stopped talking like Diablo Cody...I know she is an obsessive blog reader and makes my writing seem like childish dribble but I heard her voice in every characters dialogue. Not that she isn't on the pulse of the American teenager but it just seemed like everyone was channeling her. I think that I may have to watch it again since I felt really tired and kinda blanked out during some parts not like alot but maybe yanno like small bits...stupid computer screen is hell to watch.
new musiqs,new musiqs,new musiqs...

That was the new,now for the old...

Anything you may think, forget it. No possibilities of putting this album into a genre. As far as the new-school cut and paste they have their shit in front of them and they put it together as they go.DJ SHADOW has it laid out in his head decades before he hits the studio. The soundtrack to any good party with the tracks you play when the sun is coming out and you are the only person on the road...Choice tracks"What color does your soul look like?"and "Building steam with a grain of salt" On a side note DJ SHADOWS clip in "SCRATCH" sitting in a basement piled to the top with records (his secret stash) is a wet dream come true.
now fuck off......
now fuck off......
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