More art on the way but first, welcome back to the beginning of the failed work week.By this I mean: 1) You didn't win the lottery on Friday. 2)You probably went out and spent a shit ton of money this weekend to drown your sorrows (see no.1) and last but not least 3)You never caught up on all that sleep you said you would during some point on the weekend. I just want to add one more 4)You were wiping the tears of sadness from your eyes when you pulled into the parking lot of work this morning...Oh wait no.no.no.That last one was me,oh my bad,yo! I was going to write more about the lovely people I work for but on a serious tip Patrick Swayze died a couple of hours ago and that shit sucks because he was my Idol growing up..No not in the movie ROADHOUSE..But as Darryl in The Outsiders and as Jed in Red Dawn...The truth about living is that you eventually see everyone you know die. Okay enough preachy shite let's get into some music. "OYE,HEAVY DOOTY"

From the very first track you can feel the combined energies of David Lovering,Joey Santiago,Kim Deal and Black Francis. The angst,the power,just the all around Bad-assness of this album will make you shit your pants in ecstacy...Well maybe not but you will digg it highly..I won't lie to you,but If you play Cecilia Ann loud enough, Patrick Swayze will hear it.
now fuck off,proper.
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