The Internet is useful, it makes the world make sense,it makes the world alot smaller,people make sounder choices,putting just the head in won't make a girl pregnant,relationships will magically dissapear,sex is done in 45 seconds,how the hell does this picture signify that high school picture day has fallen so hard, becoming 40 in any decade makes absoultely no fucking sense....(fucking should be pronounced in an angry English accent maybe like "FAHKING")... I think I am feeling a touch at HATERNESS...My slack ass "connected" cousin is slacking on the ESPANISH LEYSER screen burning. So, I agree that the HATER logo is reaching the prehistoric logo status...Uhhh, just a quick subtle (my trademark) tiny piece of wisdom, (by the way I am silently downloading the soundtrack to ROCKNROLLA)"The internet was invented by the privileged,hacked by their kids and completely exploited by the mutherfuckingpoor.... Now, saying that and admitting to many internet crimes...All I can say is so be it.Because I had a public defender; I am eating shit. I am trapped in a world gone to Pot.Whoever cruises the Internet for "them"and sits at home sucking the teat of the government whilst trending blogs and making with the mandatory tally of the porn industries false tabloid style, clicking trends,spying on your brother man, ey, touch your balls and tell me you aren't excited by downloading music...do you know how many tapes and cd's I have lost to bros and hoes..I deserve this shit. I wanna talk about puppie dogs and icecream,God,what a line,wish I would have invented that...
Double, double toil and trouble.....The only thing that made sense this week so far; and if I have to explain theses albums to you...I hate you. The bossanova sound melded with hits of electronic jibber jabber,smooth dusky voices,chitter chatter,clanging cymbals,touchy feely lyrics. The equivalent of Los Tweets and a box of wine...Anything even related to the Os Mutantes albums is well worth the risk there are no specific tracks especially since I can't make up anybodies mind for them all I can say is : "Inhale deeply"
now fuck off.....

now fuck off.....
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