Sometimes when I sleep I dream of a robotic apparatus joined to my body a la Tetsuo Ironman..Most people think that is weird. To my credit though I am a HUGE fan of anything cyber..Some of my fondest memories as a young man were rushing over to check out the comics rack and magazine section at the local U-TOTEM and living across the street from a Wax Museum. There amidst the smelly redneck cuisine and dark trucker type figures flowing in and out I spied something amazing..I hefted the magazine out of its corner. I was amazed how beefy it was compared to the regular comics I was used to reading. The paper was smooth and shiny sparkling in the garish yellow-green fluorescent lighting.HEAVY METAL the adult illustrated fantasy magazine in bold black print..ballsy... The cover was a Boris Vallejo painting of a scantily clad,buxom female wielding a laser pistol cybernetically grafted to her arm and I thought,"HOLY SHIT". I was officially "hooked". I was introduced to some of my now favorite artists Serpieri,Jodorowsky,Moebius,Frazetta you get the jist..I also followed the anime classics because in Ecuador there was no school house rock, we had japanese shows dubbd to spanish..The Macross saga,Mazzinger z,SanKukai,Starblazers,Voltron,Astroboy any kinda big ass robot show and I was stuck on stupid lunching in front of the TV.Gaming started me on the Mech games,(that list is extensive) and last but not least all japanese manga involving huge freaking robots. I was thinking about getting metal legs,the process is expensive I've heard.oh yeah read "snowcrash" that's all I can say...

So,with the rain I figured The Smiths would be fitting for driving around running erands,eating Mexican food or whatever ails ya.My heart goes out to the people who actually had to show up at "the ole HellHole"...cheers to you,this is the soundtrack to your day..

now fuck off..proper
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