Sure nothing to write home about but nonetheless I will worship the silicon Greg Nicotero works in to create his horrible masterpieces...
I always pick the runner-up sessions
Burning up the mini-drive inside the Zune...

"Yeah I'm living in the seventies
Eatin' fake food under plastic trees
My face gets dirty just walkin' around
and I need another pill to calm me down"
Living in the 70's (G.Macainsh. Mushroom Music Aust.)
AUSTRALIA ROCKS!!! (no shit,right?)This gem was found under a friends couch and made its way digitally into my brain via bluetooth headphones which smelled of ear cheese which for those who aren't up on that smell you obviously haven't had any ear piercings that led to stretching to insane gauges.Your loss.
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros may sound old but they are very new.They are a band led by Alex Ebert, vocalist of the power pop group Ima Robot.Makes me think of the mountain ranges around where I live and crawling up in front of a roaring fire while tripping on microdots..Damn the cold is getting to me.Enjoy with a side of fine mexican agriculture.
My cousin recommended this to me and I have to admit the fat fucker was right.Sensuous,Arduous oh fuck I swallowed an adjective pill from a romance novelist.This album makes me wanna wax up my moustache into a very pointy thing and speak with a strong accent. CARAJO! You may find yourself growing a mustache like mine. I have dubbed mine "The Josetrix" It's dubious.
If you don like this then jou are a estupido senor!! Okay so the accent does not translate well onto the page I admit but this album makes me all fuzzy inside.The definitive final HUZZAH from Roger Waters,something cathartic about this album he once said. I thoroughly enjoy the journey through the entire album. I am not one of the "cassingle" people. You know, that ill-fated cassette single with one side of the song you like and some bull chets on the other. The eighties version of the 45. Waters truly delivers his final farewell quite poignantly..I was one of the people who hated seeing him leave Pink Floyd but he did surprise me with the follow up...
I remember sitting in my fathers house thinking "I am going to tear the roof off this house as soon as he leaves". He (my dad) had the very best in home stereo systems for as long as I can remember. He didn't even need the tkd4000 installed to produce more Quads per channel. He just knew how to wire up something truly great sounding for little to no money. That evening as I lay on the carpet in front of the speakers I watched a movie evolve from my ears to my minds eye...I dream in color and I didn't use any drugs at this period in my life so it was beter than the laser light planetarium show..A beast of a record all the way to the bone.I never looked at a person in a wheelchair the same after this album, I still cringe when I see the new motorized shits that are out now on the infomercials. I'm afraid they can control the launching of the nuclear missiles....with their minds.(shudder)
Tyrese Darnell Gibson-US-R&B artist slash model-born 1978
Jay Kay-UK-lead singer-Jamiroquai-born 1969-use the force
Tracey Ullman-UK-singer,actress,comedian,made Matt Groening rich as hell-born 1959
Patti Smith-US-musician extraordinaire,poet,vocalist-born 1946
Michael Nesmith and Davey Jones-US-vocalists for super group The Monkees-born 1945 and 1942 respectively
now poop the poop off,proper...