What defines a really great piece of literature? Who are the critics? Who gives the critics the power? Who are the considered to be the architects of modern prose? No one asked my opinion but I might have to take a stab at this question. This coming from the one person on earth who collects all those little instruction diagrams that come with the McDonalds toys. The last refuge of true Art. Back to my point, the greatest writers today are the cut and paste writers who work for fashionista magazines and the US Weeklies of the world. Vehemethly vomiting back at us mindless dribble about color schemes for the coming seasons or who is humping who in what position or with which appliances set to what speed. Nah, I can't hate on them. They provide me with the most satisfying read during which they have me as a captive audience for those 10-14 minutes a day. What I am referrring to is those writers who I like to put in the genre of "SHIT-LIT". Let me splain,meng..Like I said before no disrespect for the writers aforementioned I am attempting to give them MAD props for pushing through endless bouts of writers block devising a way to make this shit seem soo interesting you might die if you read it. My technique would be sort of like Frank Cross (Mr.Bill Murray) in "Scrooged"when pitching his idea for the "Scrooge" commercial. Hit people in the fucking head when you set out to do anything...Most people have their heads down and texting someone anyway why not deliver the killing blow. Survival of the fittest anyone? The writers that have to whip up on a daily basis a bunch of (god help me for typing this word)FANDANGLE..I applaud them..*sip beer* I feel my IQ slipping as that word sits there laughing at me. Personally, everything I have experienced on a daily basis is up here for all to see sort of like I am mooning everyone....with my penis. A writer that I grew to love from all my outhouse sessions just recently quit Details magazine and it made me extremely sad. I remember reading the article twice to make sure I wasn't just fucked up that night, both times it left me feeling exactly the same way, drop-kicked. It's rare to find someone that with just a string of words can take you somewhere. What about music lyrics you ask? Same difference..Haven't worked in days brain's rotting..
what the hell was I thinking about?

Generic fight scenes,Hell no! If Yeun Woo Ping is involved you are guaranteed a boat load of ass-kickery...now go change your underwearz..

now eat poop and fuck off please.
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