Welcome to a beautiful Monday.(insert 70's porno music)
Taken from the Car Wash files...This morning between scrubbing the walls of the "Tunnel of Love" whilst cars traversed the very fiber of its being sealing our souls into the mildewy walls, a discussion arose with one of the 7 people who tell me what to do as to what would happen if all the Hispanic workers formed a union and walked out one day and then all the workers of all the factories crossed back to their native lands,what would happen...A lot of people in this country would probably say "Good riddance!" wellll not EXACTLY that way, maybe with a little more twang.(okay I am generalizing,weird,that never happens)But the manager actually surprised me with his reply.He briefly said that it would be a complete disaster. He added that if it weren't for these people doing these shit jobs white people wouldn't have shit to complain about. A white man said this to me.Truth is stranger than fiction someone wrote,I am a firm believer in this as I turn to watch a samurai decapitating his enemy,on tv. But I digress, the guy was pretty pissed off at the way this group of people are treated at The Wash. Myself included I have felt the sharp pangs of classism demonstrated at work on numerous occasions..I think the owners have a really narrow world view and it really doesn't help ease the tensions between the workers.Special preference to certain individuals has on numerous occasions stirred up the proverbial POT O' SHIT. I have to keep score because I really can't rock the boat while I am treading water inches from drowning.
Still, it's frustrating when you are so close to injustice. To further drive my point we'll have a flashbackkk...1997,a warm Florida evening and my cousin and I are jogging back to his house because his father only gave him permission for 30 minutes to run a mile to an arcade and back. Basically we got there played 3 games and had to haul ass back home or he'd get drawn and quartered.(very common in Ecuador,check out what happened to Eloy Alfaro he got effed,bad)On our way back we'd hit 7-11 to enjoy a tasty beverage or some Big League Chew-cha-tu-madre..(had to put that in) when what do we see is this big musclebound,handlebar mustache,mullet sporting,Jort wearing(jean shorts),redneck asshole kicking the living shit out of this skinny,old cowboy dude in front of the 7-11. I didn't even realize I had the rock in my hand when I yell "Hey asshole cut that shit out!" while launching the rock at the dudes head. I am a wicked shot,ask anyone,especially back in the day,the rock connects and I grab my cousins arm and scream "Let's get the FUCK outtahere!" Needless to say my cousin was kinda rotund when he was young,so he wasn't really fast per say (per say meaning he wasn't worth a fuck for running) but we managed to whip around a huge wall adjoining a trailer park. Of course I had to shove some gum in his mouth saying "This will help you run faster!" Yeah not the last time I almost got us killed I think....I kinda remember yelling at the top of my voice like the guy in the GI JOE PSA, pork sandwiches..GET THE FUCK OUT, C'MON!!!
good time,good times

on heavy rotation on the Zune..

Early Post-Clash rockers from Chile who bring it in every different way to make you think,shake your booty or remember a girl. Influenced me to love Rock en espanol!!! Recorded over 10 years the record will take you everywhere from synth rock to garage ballads to polished ready for Spanish radio rock shows which didn't really exist alot in the 80's. They came on strong with the Protest music on the pre-pubescent scene like someone swinging two concrete blocks around their head, with wild abandon..that just sounded like the tag line to some weird 60's art house movie. Go get it and shut up.
now skip to my lou, my darlings and fuck off...
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