Forget ever having a soundtrack for humping,most guys think they know what to play during the act of lovemaking..The stereotypical type would think that the Hollywood spoon fed soundtrack would be (no disrespect father)"Let's Get It On" by my father Marvin Gaye. I however, I know it may be weird hearing me disagree with anyone but, I would like to interject the song "Abboan fat track" which starts "I'll fuck you, tuck you in, suck you in.." Oh yes, enough said,sign it,slam it down on the counter and yell "hellmuthafuckinyeahbitch!" Another highlight would have to be the tribute to one of my all time favorite dissenters Public Enemy's "Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos" which a rich,mellow vocal accompaniment of Tricky's longtime collaborator Martika...Her voice can only be described as Oral sex through a voice box.Beat that T-Pain.
I was introduced to this band by my brother Miguel back in the day while sitting around trying to determine where to put the casket a friend had so graciously donated to our house the night before.The album then was called "Pod" which was written while inhaling 6 cans of scotch guard. I thought to myself "wow,that's really fucked up" So here we are years later and I still love this band,even the side projects,and this album does not disappoint either.Highlights include "Friends","Woman and Man","Your Party"..enjoy and remember they are totally NOT fucking with you.
now please,go and fuck off...

now please,go and fuck off...
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