Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Dirty South Is In My Zune

I lived in Miami-Dade for some years and I never forgot the things I learned living in the dirty south, in fact I miss the south because of the whole "I Don't Give a Fuck Attitude Because It's Too Damn Hot,Bitch"feeling which is prevalent in all parts of the ghetto. From the tough gangster clubs like the "PAC-JAM", to the teen friendly clubs like "Nepenthe" or "A Taste of Honey" For Christ sakes teen-friendly clubs in Florida..It's like they were training future date-rapists in the SUNSHINE STATE..South Florida is mad weird...Call it nostalgia, call it early Alzheimer's, call it whiskey, call it what you will but the 2-Live crew oozed this attitude..And most importantly CAPITALIZED on this motherfucker. The only reason they got harassed is because rich white kids were booming this shit out of their graduation gifts. I went back and found some of their 12 inch LP shits which were much more raw and electrifying. Memory lane is slick with the antics caused by finally being able to scream out loud what all 14 year olds in Miami were thinking in the 80's,"Hey,We want some Pussy!!" so be it. The mid eighties were so conducive to the partying lifestyle they rapped about it almost seemed made up. But believe me, you drop a 2 live track back in the day, man people were copulating like a mutherfucker..Pass me the sun tan lotion. And this post was supposed to be labeled "Hybrid Cars And The Elderly"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Guns Don't Kill People,Lazers Do!!

102.5 degrees Farenheit

Forgive me for slacking but I had a touch of the Flu in my body. I am not going to press charges because it was more like heavy petting.I did find this article online and would like to share it.

Dallas police chief: Dozens of tickets issued for not speaking English

05:22 PM CDT on Friday, October 23, 2009
By SCOTT GOLDSTEIN / The Dallas Morning News


Editor's note: Comments have been disabled on this story.

Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle said this afternoon that his officers have written at least 39 citations to people over the past three years for not speaking English.

Apologizing publicly to the city's Spanish-speaking community, the chief said all officers and supervisors involved will be investigated for dereliction of duty. All pending citations will be dismissed, and people who paid fines will be reimbursed.

Dallas officer tickets mom for not speaking English.

"I was stunned that this would happen," Kunkle said at a news conference.

The police chief added: "In my world, you would never tell someone not to speak Spanish."

The bogus citations – there is no law requiring Dallas residents to speak English – came to light after it was revealed that a rookie officer, Gary Bromley, had issued a citation on Oct. 2 to Ernestina Mondragon for being a non-English-speaking driver.

Bromley had stopped the 48-year-old woman for making an improper U-turn in the 500 block of Easton Road, near East Northwest Highway, according to the citation.

Police officials at first dismissed Bromley's action as the foolish error of an inexperienced cop.

"That's a charge that does not exist here in the city of Dallas," said Sgt. Warren Mitchell, a department spokesman.

"Although we believe it was a sincere mistake ... there's no excuse for it."

He said that charge and a charge of failure to present a driver's license were dropped

In all, about Dallas police write about 400,000 citations a year, department officials said.

Bromley, 33, is a trainee officer in the Northeast Patrol division. His trainer on the date the ticket was issued was Senior Cpl. Daniel Larkin, 53, said Deputy Chief Tom Lawrence, Northeast Patrol commander.

Under the Dallas City Code, taxi drivers must be able to communicate in English. Mitchell said there is also a federal statute that says commercial drivers must speak English, but it would not have applied in this case.

Mondragon's daughter Brenda Mondragon said her mother was rushing to take her younger sister to school that day and did not see the "no U-turn" sign. Records show Ernestina Mondragon has a driver's license, but her daughter said she had forgotten it. She said her mother, a native Spanish speaker, speaks limited English.

"She was very mad; she was very upset," Mondragon said of her mother's reaction. "We ended up taking her to the [emergency room] because she was nervous; she was just stressing over the ticket."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yes,Cuban Bee!!

What defines a really great piece of literature? Who are the critics? Who gives the critics the power? Who are the considered to be the architects of modern prose? No one asked my opinion but I might have to take a stab at this question. This coming from the one person on earth who collects all those little instruction diagrams that come with the McDonalds toys. The last refuge of true Art. Back to my point, the greatest writers today are the cut and paste writers who work for fashionista magazines and the US Weeklies of the world. Vehemethly vomiting back at us mindless dribble about color schemes for the coming seasons or who is humping who in what position or with which appliances set to what speed. Nah, I can't hate on them. They provide me with the most satisfying read during which they have me as a captive audience for those 10-14 minutes a day. What I am referrring to is those writers who I like to put in the genre of "SHIT-LIT". Let me splain,meng..Like I said before no disrespect for the writers aforementioned I am attempting to give them MAD props for pushing through endless bouts of writers block devising a way to make this shit seem soo interesting you might die if you read it. My technique would be sort of like Frank Cross (Mr.Bill Murray) in "Scrooged"when pitching his idea for the "Scrooge" commercial. Hit people in the fucking head when you set out to do anything...Most people have their heads down and texting someone anyway why not deliver the killing blow. Survival of the fittest anyone? The writers that have to whip up on a daily basis a bunch of (god help me for typing this word)FANDANGLE..I applaud them..*sip beer* I feel my IQ slipping as that word sits there laughing at me. Personally, everything I have experienced on a daily basis is up here for all to see sort of like I am mooning everyone....with my penis. A writer that I grew to love from all my outhouse sessions just recently quit Details magazine and it made me extremely sad. I remember reading the article twice to make sure I wasn't just fucked up that night, both times it left me feeling exactly the same way, drop-kicked. It's rare to find someone that with just a string of words can take you somewhere. What about music lyrics you ask? Same difference..Haven't worked in days brain's rotting..
what the hell was I thinking about?

A classic tale of good versus good, no one is wrong just divided by racism.
Generic fight scenes,Hell no! If Yeun Woo Ping is involved you are guaranteed a boat load of ass-kickery...now go change your underwearz..

Rock this with your cock out..wow that was lame..almost pornographic. Now she might look like she needs a sandwich but girlfriend can't belt it out. Actress,model,singer girl can do it all..A gem if you can find a copy..

now eat poop and fuck off please.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

To Die Is Forever

.....taken from the Loudoun Times Mirror: "On Oct. 3, Stephan Lee Mace gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country;Mace, 21, of Purcellville, was one of eight soldiers who died Oct. 3 in Kamdesh, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked their outpost at Camp Keating. " He was a friend of a friend but it still bums me the fuck out knowing this .kid/man. was stationed in a pretty freaking bad part of the territory and because he "followed orders" he is dead. I knew a couple guys who came and went to this shit and came back,partially. One guy is homeless practically and another is missing his legs and his mind.The third is my cousin who is also suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and the loss of certain vital parts of his body. I have never wanted to be on a soapbox and talk down to everyone about how wrong it is that Americans are still dying after all these years in that shitty piece of godforsaken country. We know it's wrong,and like most young guys in that shitty little town they are signing up for it like lambs to the slaughter because they feel it is right to go there and exercise some sort of military action for the people who died in the towers. They know it's wrong but the also feel obligated??I mean we taught the guys how to fly the planes that were utilized in the attacks. It's a total clusterfuck and we can't get out of it...My mind is spinning around trying to make sense of it all. So much going on and no right answers.I feel terrible for this kid and his poor family, going down to the funeral at Arlington cemetery in front of the cameras and the protesters, shit, what a total shit storm.

heavy rotation

For the uninformed this band has gripped my attention lately and I believe it may well encounter great success in the near future. DEER TICK, go and get it.Not the kind to infect you with Lyme's Disease.

Kinda sappy play list, lately the weather has been awful and so has the ideal workplace..I don't want to recommend watching "The Hurt Locker" either. It's crazy fucking depressing. And I feel that Alex Proyas tricked me into watching some Dianetics propaganda movie but instead called it "Knowing"...fucking asshole,man..He directed "The Crow", what the fuck happened to him. "Dark City", c'mon man what's wrong with you???

now fuck off...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ryunosuke Tsukue hurts people

I think the caption read something like;"If winter comes I can cut the fat kid open and crawl inside for warmth"or"I though they smelled bad on the outside"

Welcome to a beautiful Monday.(insert 70's porno music)
Taken from the Car Wash files...This morning between scrubbing the walls of the "Tunnel of Love" whilst cars traversed the very fiber of its being sealing our souls into the mildewy walls, a discussion arose with one of the 7 people who tell me what to do as to what would happen if all the Hispanic workers formed a union and walked out one day and then all the workers of all the factories crossed back to their native lands,what would happen...A lot of people in this country would probably say "Good riddance!" wellll not EXACTLY that way, maybe with a little more twang.(okay I am generalizing,weird,that never happens)But the manager actually surprised me with his reply.He briefly said that it would be a complete disaster. He added that if it weren't for these people doing these shit jobs white people wouldn't have shit to complain about. A white man said this to me.Truth is stranger than fiction someone wrote,I am a firm believer in this as I turn to watch a samurai decapitating his enemy,on tv. But I digress, the guy was pretty pissed off at the way this group of people are treated at The Wash. Myself included I have felt the sharp pangs of classism demonstrated at work on numerous occasions..I think the owners have a really narrow world view and it really doesn't help ease the tensions between the workers.Special preference to certain individuals has on numerous occasions stirred up the proverbial POT O' SHIT. I have to keep score because I really can't rock the boat while I am treading water inches from drowning.

Still, it's frustrating when you are so close to injustice. To further drive my point we'll have a flashbackkk...1997,a warm Florida evening and my cousin and I are jogging back to his house because his father only gave him permission for 30 minutes to run a mile to an arcade and back. Basically we got there played 3 games and had to haul ass back home or he'd get drawn and quartered.(very common in Ecuador,check out what happened to Eloy Alfaro he got effed,bad)On our way back we'd hit 7-11 to enjoy a tasty beverage or some Big League Chew-cha-tu-madre..(had to put that in) when what do we see is this big musclebound,handlebar mustache,mullet sporting,Jort wearing(jean shorts),redneck asshole kicking the living shit out of this skinny,old cowboy dude in front of the 7-11. I didn't even realize I had the rock in my hand when I yell "Hey asshole cut that shit out!" while launching the rock at the dudes head. I am a wicked shot,ask anyone,especially back in the day,the rock connects and I grab my cousins arm and scream "Let's get the FUCK outtahere!" Needless to say my cousin was kinda rotund when he was young,so he wasn't really fast per say (per say meaning he wasn't worth a fuck for running) but we managed to whip around a huge wall adjoining a trailer park. Of course I had to shove some gum in his mouth saying "This will help you run faster!" Yeah not the last time I almost got us killed I think....I kinda remember yelling at the top of my voice like the guy in the GI JOE PSA, pork sandwiches..GET THE FUCK OUT, C'MON!!!

good time,good times

Okamoto-san has blown me away with this dark flick about, well you know the saying about power and all it corrupts? Yeah, it is something like that but without the swine flu. The lead character is a card carrying mutherfucking bad ass with a sword who can't find his equal anywhere,so idle hands which are the playground of devil shenanigans ensue..Wicked tale of the sword for any fan of the unusual.Oh and I think the body count is like in the thousands..yeah no shit.

on heavy rotation on the Zune..
This album changed something in me forever,not like a first time romance shapes a man but it changed the way I listened to music. I became more mature, demanding more than what was out there,searching for good effing music I guess.There was a message before too, so that always helps when shit isn't so soulless and apathetic like it is now.

Early Post-Clash rockers from Chile who bring it in every different way to make you think,shake your booty or remember a girl. Influenced me to love Rock en espanol!!! Recorded over 10 years the record will take you everywhere from synth rock to garage ballads to polished ready for Spanish radio rock shows which didn't really exist alot in the 80's. They came on strong with the Protest music on the pre-pubescent scene like someone swinging two concrete blocks around their head, with wild abandon..that just sounded like the tag line to some weird 60's art house movie. Go get it and shut up.

now skip to my lou, my darlings and fuck off...

Monday, October 5, 2009

99 Bananas Ate My Brains!!!!

Somehow he thought this was a good idea.Like peanut butter in your ass crack?Or wearing a 12 pack box on your head cut out to look like a helmet from the days of yore.CAMELOT I SAY!!! Lets face it, when the moon is full and all the stars align correctly you may find yourself extremely thirsty and maybe your stodgy personality feels a tad flippant. Or you simply may have downed a bottle of liquor.We have all had a brush with that euphoric feeling I refer to as "Bacchanalia Gone Wild"...The moon was full this weekend and a great number of people whom are usually reserved did point out that this weekend was extremely weird or unusual for them.I had to suppress a chuckle when the horror stories were laid out in every gory detail.You have be nice,smile and blame it on the rain like Milli Vanilli said.Scholars have contemplated the moon and its effects on the human psyche for thousands of years.Me myself and I,really don't care about the effects of man-in-moon marigolds,unless of course its a shot I haven't tried.

Good times,Good times..

this taken from the Car Wash files:4 more Anglos hired on of which zero are worth a fucking shit.More to report but the preliminary analysis is 2 need GED's I overheard and the other 2 are rejects from an Eminem concert circa 1999...Ice ice baby too cold.Damn I need a new job.Thank you public defender which if I remember your name it will be mentioned forthright.


I won't go into detail because I feel I would be influencing you in someway or another but the Japanese have such a way of making something truly theirs that it makes American bands pale in comparison.Formed in the 60's by Yuya Uchida they blasted on the scene by doing American rock covers but then carved out their own style in due time.This album was released in 1971 and by far has floored me every time I listen to it (really fucking loud)..I thank Takashi Miike again for letting me peek into his mind,once again.This album was featured heavily in this next gem.
Don't even think of renting this movie,just fucking buy it you anus!
When a Yakuza boss is murdered(it took 999 bullets and a pocket knife) Kunisada and his Yakuza brother go on a two-man rampage to hunt down the people responsible.And someone gets a crowbar shoved into their eye-hole.
and speaking of...
Hailed as "The Loudest Band in The World" by me and a couple other guys you wouldn't know Guitar Wolf will quite simply punch you in the balls,steal your money,buy beer,come back and down a whole can in front of you while you writhe in pain on the dirty, pissed on ,blood soaked sidewalk. Take that fucking music critic writer elitist assholes.Their first American record pressing was so distorted that the record company called Seiji (Guitar Wolf)up and when they told him what had happened he simply said "Great"..His leather jacket is kept in a glass case to harness the Powers Of Rock.no shit.I have stood next to this 4 foot tall man and a sort of mania invaded my body which caused me to launch myself many feet into the air upon some unknowing persons who were whipped up into such a frenzy that I couldn't tell what was up or down.Truth is ALWAYS stranger than fiction.

now you may wander about and fuck off...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Don'tcha Just Hate Being Right?

I never have considered my self to be the somewhat of a"groovy"" hip" person or "money" or "the shit" but a couple of weeks ago I was turned on to this new delivered music format that really got me excited again about music.Not just because of the ease and speed of the music being being delivered but I had lost so many great bands to the dead media of cassettes. One of those bands which I wore out two copies of their debut album "Vivid" was high on my priority of albums to reclaim.Soon after I found "Times Up" which was equally as strong and equally as hard.Now when I was growing up you didn't see an all black band in the Metal or Rock genre. Living Colour smashed the two together and threw in some Funk for good measure and heavy,heavy jazz fusion bass riffs..Now the great part about this is that while I was being propelled back in time these guys were out promoting a reunion album and as a bonus the original line-up came on The Jimmy Fallon show and played "Cult of Personality" and killed it.
Man I hate being psychic.
The tracks of mention from the two albums can fill a blog in itself; so in keeping with the brevity of my music opinions I have picked only six. From "Vivid" I would recommend "Desperate People" because it really showcases how tight the band really was in its day and "Memories Can't Wait" for it's virtuosity and careful arrangements which dissolve into that hypnotic groove they belt out..With an honorable mention for Vernon Reids' "Broken Hearts"...From "Times Up" I have no doubts that "New Jack Theme" will not disappoint with its tale of a drug dealers inner turmoil.From that we go to "Fight The Fight" the battle anthem for the 90's when everyone was looking for a fight but the reason was no where to be seen. Lastly they end the album with the absolute best lyrics Corey Glover has put down on paper,"This Is The Life". Simple and succinct he emotes empathy,pain and grief..Great albums and I am happy they are finally receiving the recognition they deserve.

And its comfortable too...

My dreams are adrenalized thru the internal combustion engine and hot mutherfucking speed baby! And I think I squirted at the end and blew up the truck,my bad.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

More art...art...art...art..

Watercolor 2009
Rorschach in Ink 2009
Conte crayon,Pastel,Charcoal Graffiti tribe sketch 2007
Brush,Ink rose study pt.3 - 2009
Charcoal rose study2 2009
Charcoal rose study 2009
Brush,Ink(higgins,bitch),Printer cartridge refill kit ink 2008
Pallete Knife,SpeedBall Block Printing Ink(never fucking dries) 2009
Water Based Oil Paint (weird shit) 2009
Whiskey,Beer,Pen,Sharpie 2007
Whiskey,Pencil,Sharpie 2007
Metal Legs sketch, Rapidograph 2007
Pen and Ink 2007
Pen and Ink 2009
Pen and Ink 2009
Acryllic,Pen,Brush,Ink 2009

(the starving artist sessions)
Forget ever having a soundtrack for humping,most guys think they know what to play during the act of lovemaking..The stereotypical type would think that the Hollywood spoon fed soundtrack would be (no disrespect father)"Let's Get It On" by my father Marvin Gaye. I however, I know it may be weird hearing me disagree with anyone but, I would like to interject the song "Abboan fat track" which starts "I'll fuck you, tuck you in, suck you in.." Oh yes, enough said,sign it,slam it down on the counter and yell "hellmuthafuckinyeahbitch!" Another highlight would have to be the tribute to one of my all time favorite dissenters Public Enemy's "Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos" which a rich,mellow vocal accompaniment of Tricky's longtime collaborator Martika...Her voice can only be described as Oral sex through a voice box.Beat that T-Pain.I was introduced to this band by my brother Miguel back in the day while sitting around trying to determine where to put the casket a friend had so graciously donated to our house the night before.The album then was called "Pod" which was written while inhaling 6 cans of scotch guard. I thought to myself "wow,that's really fucked up" So here we are years later and I still love this band,even the side projects,and this album does not disappoint either.Highlights include "Friends","Woman and Man","Your Party"..enjoy and remember they are totally NOT fucking with you.

now please,go and fuck off...