Page from my sketchbook.
I keep running into these articles about online cheating and how you can prevent it by installing this special software that tracks keystrokes, passwords and page history. On the other coin the online social network scene has mushroomed out of control. There are fantastic claims of guilt free sex,matching up with you soul mate and losing weight fast all by clicking a link. Are people out of their minds? I might write about crazy crap but some people just put themselves out there a bit too much. There should be a statute of limitations when being able to post some personal information. I know it seems ridiculous to bring it up with the horrific popularity of reality t.v. personae invading every single aspect of our lives. The media isn't completely to blame being that it is only the epicenter of a gigantic toilet bowl full of steaming fecal matter we call American culture. (Now if that word isn't an oxymoron I don't know what is.)I just notice that lately(to clarify myself a little better)that the only thing America has been famous for is Pop Culture, nothing else. Yeah, that whole Black presidency thing has worn off it seems.We built him up only to tear him down in the media now. Poor guy. Now we are flooded constantly with glamorous updates and tremendous fails. I'm not trying to be one of those finger pointers who can spot the problem from a safe distance away and not offer any solutions but I have to mention that the American people are truly to blame, myself included. We are giving these entities the power every day just by agreeing to their little pop-ups. We click the agree box and don't even bother to read the Terms And Conditions. Now here you go and write a ton of your personal information about yourself on a non-secure beam of information floating inches from our noses which time after time has been demonstrated it can be stolen. Twittering and facebooking away we reveal the most intimate of intimates upon a crowd of nameless people whose click stream leads them to you. We are so obsessed with everyones else's Bidness because they give it up so freely. I can't even imagine what people would think if I started revealing intimate details of my private life. Would they be embarrassed for me? Who knows. I sometimes read things where all I can think is how freaking sad it is. Don't give out your info online it can turn around and bite you in the ass friends. Don't strengthen the TMZ's of the world, fight the power, walk off your workstations,demand something good on the radio and tv. Make the major news networks give in to reporting what's relevant. But more importantly, make someone tell me how come the douchebags on that "Jersey Shore"show are called "stars"...WTF indeed.
the "I don't like people playing around on my phone"sessions



Lonnie Turner-Bassist-US Band Steve Miller Band-Born 1947
George Thorogood-Guitarist slash Singer slash Rock God&Dinosaur-US Band The Destroyers-Born 1950
Colin Farley-Bassist slash dying in your arms tonight-UK Band The Cutting Crew-Born 1959
Michelle Shocked aka Michele Johnston-Singer slash Songwriter-Born 1962
Chris Fehn-Drummer-US Band Slipknot-Born 1973
Charles "Chad" Hugo-Filipino Sax Player slash Guitarist-US Band N.E.R.D.-Born 1974
Eric Griffin-Guitarist-US Band Murderdolls-Born 1976
Matt Skiba-Guitarist slash Bassist slash Singer slash Jane Austen reader-US Band Alkaline Trio/F-Minus-Born 1976
Cheiko Kawabe-Japanese Singer slash Songwriter slash Sex Symbol-Born 1989
...now go update your status and mood already it's been 20 seconds
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