Tagline reads:"Would you like to dance?"
Photo still courtesy of the hilarious and informative movie "Death Race 2000".Of course this movie was waaaay after the show Kung-Fu had rocketed our friend and apparent enthusiast of a technique called "auto erotica-asphyxiation"Mr.David Carradine out into the far flung galaxies of super stardom. His characters name you ask? Why Frankenstein of course. Between me,you and the fencepost, I tried to name my son that,yeah ...not happening.
A number of people have commented on my general attitude of negativity towards some people or things. Most label me "bitter"or"hater" because at my age "angsty" seems silly. Others call me "a-hole" or "meany". I have endured many,many comments and merely smiled because deep down inside I am secure in the knowledge that I may be hypercritical of certain things but I am not one of "THOSE" people. You know "Those people". You see them doing something dumb and you always make sure to point them out to whoever is in earshot or sometimes even when nobody is there at all.(don't look around you know you've done it aww,c'mon!) I admit I never realized my full potential to take over the world at a young age however I am well seasoned and in my prime for a ruthless hostile takeover. I worked in the service industry for a greater part of my life. Service industry is term which describes a wide tent under which you labor fruitlessly for no pay and have hopes of a better tomorrow but you usually end up hooking up with people who are in the same boat and you end up having hate sex...whatever. I think the point is that "The Service Industry" is the last form of legal enslavement in the US, point blank. I mean you've seen that movie "Waiting" right? That shit is true to death buddy. Which leads me to my defense paragraph.
I am not one of those guys who: 1)Walks into a restaurant at 5 minutes to close with a date and orders the most ridiculous shit you can off the menu and expects it pronto.2)Shows up at a full bar on the weekend and grabs the bartender by the cuff and demands service for him and his troll(wait till the lights come on pal). 3)Talks at full volume on his cell phone while checking out at some store. 4)Immediately after pulling up to a carwash tunnel pulls out his phone to text while the attendant tries to flag him down to enter. 5)Answers the phone in a movie theater. 6)After someone lets you merge into traffic not give the "thank you" wave. 6)Does tip well when the chick he's with looks but changes the bill after she gets up. 7) Does not respect the unwritten rule of "After thou droppest off the friggin kid,go with the flow of traffic". 8)Asks the meaning of your tattoos whilst 100 people are waiting in line. 9) Varies on number 8 by asking instead "What the fuck did you do that for?" 10)Asks if it hurt. 11)Trades in for a newer model when they reach 30. 12)Drives slow in the fast lane and talks on the phone while driving erratically. 13)Drives an SUV and has bratty kids who crap inside of it and expect you to clean it for 15 bucks. 14)Doesn't put the shopping cart back even though the shit is 4 inches from their facehole.
I won't even continue because I can sleep with a clean conscious. So bite me.
haters unite sessions

Speaking of having the volume@11, the album "Chaosphere" by the Swedish band Messugah hurt my life when it kicked me in the groin the first time I heard it. It was the Ozzfest disaster where I first saw them play. Because of the unspoken hatred of the Swedish they were pushed onto the Colosseum-like atmosphere of the second stage. The day was pretty unsavory even for this temperate area. The sun shone brightly on the venues vast,uncovered dusty surface which was a throwback to early "concentration camp" design. The promoters made sure no one brought anything into the venue that could be used to shield the almost magnifying lens type beaming summer sun that made Anglos angry and itchy. But they gladly tried to sell it to you 10 feet later. Out on the stage stepped these hulking brutes vaguely resembling men, more werewolf like than human,covered in the cloths of animals they killed with their scowls. Oh no baby, these weren't regular animals of the North American continent. These were animals that made the John Deer and Carhartt wearing hillbillies of this area look up from their Emo kid bashing and say "Dang,Yo!" Then the music started....
When my senses fully recovered 3 songs in from the frontal attack of the guitars,the drummer made a funny gesture and broke into a wicked ass drum solo which in my innocence I thought was the finale. That was until I saw the crucifix. It started slowly rising as the drumming had reached a nearly Emily Rose demonic possession pitch when it snapped violently into place. The trance was only broken when the attached Christlike figured started convulsing like a victim of electroshock therapy. I swear the drummer never missed a beat even as the figure started shooting blood out of its orifices and began to rain down on him and his kit. He merely played the kit harder and harder as the drum heads filled with the murky mixture.
Oh, and the lyrics were deep and meaningful.

Florence LaRue-Vocalist for the US Band The 5th Dimension-Aquarius Bitch!!-Born 1944
Mary Ann Ganser-Margie Ganser-Vocalists for The US Band The Shangri-Las-Born 1947 respectively
Alice "Muthafuckin" Cooper aka Vincent Furnier-Father of the Opera Goth Rock-Without him there would be no Marilyn Manson-Sorry Brian-Born 1948
James Dunn-Vocalist Magician-Philly's Own Band The Stylistics-Born 1950
Phil Ehart-Drummer Us Bands Kansas & White Clover-Born 1951
Clint Black-Singer slash Songwriter slash Country Dude-Born 1962
Rick Burch-Bassist-US Band Jimmy Eat World-Born 1975
Natalie Imbruglia-Australian Singer and Grrl Power Activist-Born 1975
Cam'Ron aka Cameron Giles-Record Lable Prisoner For Rapping-Born 1976
piss off...
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