Yes, I can cheat too and have you check out my site and try to rope you into doing some stupid fucking quiz or test and then I will redirect you to the game. BULLSHIT. In case you just checked in I spent 35 minutes looking for some posting of the World Cup game Germany vs. Australia,USA vs. England and all I found were these pay sites that were extremely promising but alas were exactly the same shit I mentioned earlier. The problem is I live in a shitty town in the mountains that doesn't offer the ABC network. Weird,right? We can waste millions of dollars on spaceflight and retarded shuttle launchings that have not improved the impoverished residents of earth who starve on a daily basis ,but we can't get ABC in this shitty town. So I thought I could count on the millions upon millions of people who live on this earth and use up terraflops of bandwidth uploading pictures of them drunk and showing their prepubescent breasts on myspace and still another stupid cat video with the beast flushing the toilet to help in my quest to watch THE CUP. But No Way man!! Not a one person in the whole wide world was streaming this. The world is finite my friend and all this SHARING online community bullshit is an illusion. Money, honey that's it.
enjoy the World Cup ...
enjoy the World Cup ...
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