Thanks to all who have made this day so wonderful. By taking the time to help me break my record of visitors to my humble bittersweet blog. Today I found out 22 people had witnessed my writings yesterday and I wanted to personally thank everyone of them. So, thank you times 22.

Now if only I could get some feedback I wouldn't feel like this was an incredible waste of time. Sure times are rough and everyone in the house needs dental work but on the upside we are all healthy and the fridge is stocked. Happiness is a dry fart someone told me once...Little did I realize what a nugget of wisdom that would be...Count your blessings..etc.etc. I get it, really I do.Now if only I could convert all that faith into some cash flow...It's a good thing I still believe in the white mans sensibilities.

"white people music sessions"

I can't thank this band enough for teaching me the ways of sexy time songs.

Thank you ELO for showing me the ways of old theater people going crazy on drugs but making awesome music which transcends time and space...
now fuck off...I'm all thank-you'd out
now fuck off...I'm all thank-you'd out
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