Today will be a spot dedicated to the hard working and generally all around nice people of Canada. I had a couple of bands already in mind that I was going to write about but that was completely shot to shit when I started digging a little deeper into the ole record crates.Apparently Canadian musicians are so deeply interwoven into this tapestry we call the American music scene that separating them from the US would be like separating conjoined twins that share the same heart and throwing the punier one in the trash.Not an easy task I think for a Tuesday.All I really wanted to do was to thank them for being good neighbors and sharing all their goodies with us.Not to mention the fact that Canadian bands are as vast as the frozen tundra that covers the majority of their countryside. I would like to point out also that Canada means "settlement" taken from a St.Lawrence Iraquion word.This settlement is bursting at the seams with really good music and luckily for us with the advent of modern technology we may access the plethora auditory wisdom which spews forth from its loins.(gross)sorry I watched 30 days of night and had really weird dreams about being stuck out in the cold and chased by unknown attackers.I had kicked the blankets off in the middle of the night. and without further ado......
A Mari Usque Ad Mare (from sea to sea)
The Arcade Fire was introduced to me through a mutual friend who usually goes a little light for my tastes but on the whole has a firm grasp on music.He burned me "Neon Bible" and I downed "Funeral"both in which I was pleased with what I heard immediately and actually repeated both the albums when they were done. I enjoyed both immensely and that's always a plus with new stuffs. Thank you Canada.
Another fine album I stumbled on.I can't say I have heard anything like this since.It really captured an era of silliness and fun which was the late 90's. Damn if I didn't have fun though. Great for background music at parties. If you have friends. If you don't, well grab a carton of ice cream and head to your bedroom and maybe this album will make you jump up and down in bed in your robe with cold cream all over your face like a 17 year old girl in a John Hughes movies. Thank You Canada.

The Cowboy Junkies?? Shall I even go on? To the uninitiated this group has gotten sooooo many people play.HOW MUCH you ask? Think all the ass of all the boy bands in the world have collectively got and maybe you can understand the relevance to music that this band signifies. I apologize but I watched "Be Kind Rewind" this week and that sentence sounds so Jack Black. So,yeah I like this band more than just a little.Thank You Canada.
I have another apology to make, I Twitter. So with that said, I have two things to say in my defense. (1)I am sad to confirm that I can't claim credit for being cool enough to pick this up on my own. (2) I downed this on a recommendation from Questlove of The Roots fame,my pal...(just kidding,that's like psycho talk, muahhhhaha!!! oh sorry.) It's one of his Sunday Swift f.m.tracks. LOVE IT! So get it,get it,get it. Thank You Canada.
LOVED IT! I heard this and it made my brain pack a bag and go to Ecuador for a week and do hard drugs. Then I got a job at a Wet Willies in Savannah,Ga. Finally, things started getting weird in my life, believe you me. I had been really into Trans Am "surrender to the night" a couple years earlier so this seemed like a smooth transition. Sort of like using underwear in the day and a pull-up at night. Thank You Canada.
Special shout out to Nelvana Films for always supporting the up and coming Indie film directors.
Because I suck all these birthdays are from yesterday January 12th.
(old guy handwave from far off)
Cynthia Robinson-Vocalist-Bad Ass US band Sly and the Motherfucking Family Stone-Born 1946
Philipe Rose-Vocalist-Indian Chief of the Village People-Born 1954
Per Gesele-Guitar player and everything else-Swedish band Roxette-Born 1959
Rob Zombie-Musician slash Director-US band White Zombie-Born 1965
Zach De La Rocha-Vocalist slash Social Activist-US band Rage Against The Machine-Born 1970
RaeKwon-Hip-Hop Assassin Lyrical Swordsman-US group Wu-Tang muthafucka-Born 1970
Mel C. (aka Sporty Spice)-Vocalist slash Sex symbol-UK group Spice Girls-Born 1974
Now get off my lawn before I call in the leeches....
A Mari Usque Ad Mare (from sea to sea)

The Cowboy Junkies?? Shall I even go on? To the uninitiated this group has gotten sooooo many people play.HOW MUCH you ask? Think all the ass of all the boy bands in the world have collectively got and maybe you can understand the relevance to music that this band signifies. I apologize but I watched "Be Kind Rewind" this week and that sentence sounds so Jack Black. So,yeah I like this band more than just a little.Thank You Canada.

Special shout out to Nelvana Films for always supporting the up and coming Indie film directors.

(old guy handwave from far off)
Cynthia Robinson-Vocalist-Bad Ass US band Sly and the Motherfucking Family Stone-Born 1946
Philipe Rose-Vocalist-Indian Chief of the Village People-Born 1954
Per Gesele-Guitar player and everything else-Swedish band Roxette-Born 1959
Rob Zombie-Musician slash Director-US band White Zombie-Born 1965
Zach De La Rocha-Vocalist slash Social Activist-US band Rage Against The Machine-Born 1970
RaeKwon-Hip-Hop Assassin Lyrical Swordsman-US group Wu-Tang muthafucka-Born 1970
Mel C. (aka Sporty Spice)-Vocalist slash Sex symbol-UK group Spice Girls-Born 1974
Now get off my lawn before I call in the leeches....
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