I think the image file name is labeled "Henry Rollins would destroy you in a sack race!". Kinda of suits the weather today with it's downright shitty attitude and hopeless negativeness. I looked that word up; I spelled it right. It's kinda dreary and dreamlike but fairly scary like a suburban Sleepy Hollow type hamlet this neighborhood I live in so the tone is quite boorish on this entry. I have been quite slack on my entries and I apologize(to nobody)and would like to extend my hand in negotiating a truce with my brain..I have just recently gone EXTREMELY part-time at the wash so there will be a drought with the stories from that place and minor adjustments to spending some home time. I started wearing a watch again(applause),thank you , thank you..Because of my previous employment I stopped wearing a watch because it would interfere with the day to day activities that my job entailed. Also I'm growing a circa 1970's porno mustache for shits and giggles. I think I look more disturbing than when I dyed my head blue and shaved a checkerboard pattern in it.
The children of today have absolutely no clue what originality is. The fact is most "originality"today is a copy of something else anyway but the true inspiration is really what counts when you cut to the bone. What's the SYMBOLOGY you ask?(I know that word is imaginary) The Balls are gone from everything.Huevos!!Courage!! Strictly homogenized I scream! The silent majority is growing in this country, they got out and voted but now they are right back in their living room sitting in front of the tube expecting everything to be resolved in 4 years. The damage from the bush administration is far reaching and excuse me for noticing but the appeal of this country for immigrants(which all Americans are,except the native peoples who settle here from the land bridge)was the strong middle class which has all but completely disappeared. Myself included I feel like I am about 1 paycheck from the street most days. I'm no slouch when it comes to hustlin' and making some money, my work ethic is strong. I have a strong set of skills ranging from every aspect in the construction field, hotel restaurant experience,computer skills,bow hunting skills,knife skills(I own 34 knives) and still the market has seriously dried up in my area.

On a separate and more relevant tangent I have to recommend the film "The Boat That Rocked"or"Pirate Radio" whichever title you prefer. My only comment is that my foot never stopped tapping because the soundtrack is excellent. I recall saying many,many years ago to a friend of mine,"Thank god for the British Invasion!". I had always imagined the world full of the douchy guys who sing White Guy doo-wop at the beginning of "CryBaby". I highly recommend it to anyone who has a pulse and possesses opposable thumbs. Also if you are a big Nick Frost fan from the flick "Shaun of the Dead"fame he has a semi-major role in this movie but on the flip side he does get naked too which is mad gross,Bee!! Personally, I though Bill Nighy is an amazing character actor because he is so on point.
Once in a great while something smacks me in the face when I least expect it. In this case it was a band called Bad Lieutenant which to my surprise was New Order or Joy Division whatever.I really haven't had the chance to research this band to make a proper review of it but it hooked me from the get-go.Just masterfully done.Perfect for a day like this. Hey, I'll put that on again.
Once in a great while something smacks me in the face when I least expect it. In this case it was a band called Bad Lieutenant which to my surprise was New Order or Joy Division whatever.I really haven't had the chance to research this band to make a proper review of it but it hooked me from the get-go.Just masterfully done.Perfect for a day like this. Hey, I'll put that on again.
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